8 Haziran 2013 Cumartesi
20. Can - (-ebilmek) Cümle Yapısı
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20. Can - (-ebilmek) Cümle Yapısı
Can : yardımcı f. (could) 1. -ebil-, yapmak imkanı olmak.
Can you do this work? Bu işi yapabilir misin?
I couldn´t find my hat. Şapkamı bulamadım.
(Can fiilinin gelecek zamanı yoktur, yerine will be able to kullanılır.).
Caroll will be able to play the guitar.
Can : -ebilmek Cümle Yapısı
I can drink milk.
I can play the violin.
I can go home.
We can learn Italian.
They can swim.
You can park here.
She can eat 3 hamburgers.
We can be happy.
We can't be happy.
Can we be happy?
Can't we be happy?
- Yes, we can.
- No, we can't.
I could tell him.
I couldn't tell him.
Could you tell him?
Couldn't tell him?
- Yes, we could.
- No, we could.
Murat can play the violin. Murat keman çalabilir.
Murat could play the violin. Murat keman çalabildi.
Murat was able to play the violin. Murat keman çalabildi.
Murat will be able to play the violin. Murat keman çalabilecek.
Murat would be able to play the violin. Murat keman çalabilirdi.
Murat had been able to play the violin. Murat keman çalabilirmişti.
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